Bugs and Insect Repellents
A few things can help you avoid bug bites: avoid scented soaps, perfumes, or hair sprays on your child. Avoid stagnant pools, uncovered food, and gardens in full bloom where insects tend to congregate.
Stingers from skin can be removed using a blunt object like a credit card by scraping off the stinger.
Insect repellents should contain DEET, which is the active ingredient of the repellent. The amount of DEET used in children should be less than 30%. Avoid using combination products with repellent and sunscreen together. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes prior to outdoor activity and insect repellent just prior to outdoor activity. Insect repellents should not be applied more than once a day and do not use on infants younger than 2 months.
Avoid applying insect repellents near mouth, mucous membranes, or fingers.
For maximum protection when camping out apply permethrin to clothing, tents and sleeping bags.